i2VP provides virtual machine replication, backup, recovery and migration for large virtualization platforms, supporting various virtualization platforms such as VMware, Hyper-v and OpenStack. lt is also compatible with domestic virtualization platforms such as Xinhuasan CAS and Huawei HCS. it can back up multiple virtual machines at once without the need to install any agent software in all virtual machines, and the backup process has no impact on the operation of production systems. This software is widely used for agentless backup and recovery of data in various virtual environments and cloud platforms, such as virtual machine backup and recovery in various government clouds and proprietary clouds.


Agentless virtual machine protection

Large-scale virtual machine batch protection

Automatic discovery of virtual machine backups

Rapid takeover of target virtual machines

Automated virtual machine drills and validation

Support for heterogeneous platform

Needs Analysis

Cloud computing has become the preferred choice for data centers

Mixed IT architectures coexist in data centers

With the explosive growth of data, the demand for data protection is increasing.

Application Scenarios

Backup and recovery

Data backup to the cloud

Disaster drills

Virtual machine migration

Virtual platform disaster recover

Implementation Cases

A large aviation group in China
A major airport in China
i2VP Technical White Paper
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