Product overview
i2CS, a HA cluster software based on shared storage, can monitor the running status of application system in real time, and perform high availability takeover when fault is detected, thus realizing application-level business takeover and business continuity.
Product characteristics
Flexible High Availability Application Patterns
Compatibility of Overall Domestication
Fast Applications Switch
Graphical Management
Independent of Hardware and Software
Simple and Flexible Deployment
Support MSCS Applications
Guarantee Cluster System Application
Independent research and development
Satisfy the Trend of Nationalization
Application scenario
Disaster Recovery of Shared Storage Cluster
High Availability of Remote Disaster Recovery
High Availability of Virtualization Platform Cluster
Compatibility List
Windows:Windows Server 2003 R2 and above systems, including Windows Server 2008, Windows XP, Windows 10, etc.
Linux:CentOS 4.4 and above, including CentOS 6.7, CentOS 6.5, Redhat 6.5, SUSE 10 sp2, etc.
Others:NeoKylin 6.5; Ubuntu 12.04.02, etc.
60-Day Free Trial Disaster recovery is a task. Data management is our mission

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